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Get daily care gap reports with data from Interpreta. Use the Interpreta tool to improve your patient's health outcomes using analytics updated daily on Sunflower Health Plan's Payer Space on the Availity Portal. 

What is Interpreta?

Interpreta is an analytics tool that pulls information from pharmacy, membership and claims data streams to provide daily care gap reports to help you better care for your patients, our members. This updated information also will assist you in managing pay-for-performance metrics.

How Do I Access Interpreta?

Login to your existing Availity Portal and go to the Peach State Health Plan Payer Space. If you do not yet have an account, go to to sign up. It's easy. All you need is your Tax Identification Number (TIN) and an email address.

How Can Interpreta Help Providers?

Providers can use Interpreta to view care gap information for members assigned to individual physicians; or view all members assigned to a TIN. The individual member view provides an in-depth look at a member's clinical history as well as supporting documentation.

Providers have the ability to:

  • Access real-time information vs. longer 30-90 day windows
  • Drill down on each patient, including information on rendering physician
  • Easily read the care gap information
  • HEDIS specification documentation

Healthcare Innovation New Tool

  • Interpreta continuously updates, interprets and synchronizes clinical data.
  • Real time insights offer patient-specific information needed for quality improvement.


HEDIS care gap information is updated daily by Interpreta using data from pharmacy, membership and claims.


Information is available for all Sunflower Health Plan members.


Maximize your bonus for measures included in our quality pay-for-performance program.

Additional Training Available

If you do not yet have an Availity Portal login, or need assistance with training, visit Availity's website at to find easy-to-use instructions.